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Tax season is upon us, which means now, more than ever, we need to get organized. Tax time is clearly a great reason to get your papers in order, but it’s a good idea for so many reasons. I’m sure you’ve found yourself more than once searching for a document needed to complete an application or a warranty certificate to submit a claim. Maybe you have a child heading to college soon and need information for financial aid, or you want to take a closer look at last year’s budget and see where your business could improve.
The fact is that many of us have these papers…we just don’t know where they are!
We’ve developed a thorough list to get you started on your journey to safeguarding vital documents and getting organized. Bear in mind that this list is thorough but not complete; you may find that your household or business has additional needs. Download our FREE Vital Document Chicklist and use this as a guide to get you started and enjoy decluttering your space!
#1 | Dedicate a storage space
Choose a location in your home or workspace to dedicate as the document storage space. You can use anything from a filing cabinet to a shelving system with binders or bins. By dedicating a space, you are no longer searching in multiple locations, and everything is grouped together. Additionally, a dedicated space helps with staying tidy; simply place documents in their bin/binder/file upon receipt and avoid a messy countertop or dining table.

#2 | Consider digitizing
Having your documents in a dedicated space is great until there’s a problem. What if you have a fire or a leak? Physical copies can become damaged or destroyed. Barring disaster though, digitization is handy when you need to share copies of documents with others or need to access them when you’re away from the physical copies. Digital files can be stored anywhere: a flash drive, a computer, a removal hard drive, and even the cloud!

#3 | Categorize the files
A bunch of digital or physical documents without any organizational structure is akin to relocating the pile from the counter to the desk and calling it organized. If you don’t categorize and sort the documents, you’ll just be frustrated and wasting time searching for the files you need again. Consider topical categories like:
- Appraisals & titles
- Employment records
- Taxes
- Warranties & receipts

#4 | Create a file for personal identification
When was the last time you saw your passport? (2019 – am I right?) In all seriousness, your passport, birth certificate, marriage/divorce decree, and social security cars are VITAL. They deserve and require a dedicated and secure storage space that is not a sock drawer. Take the time to collect these items and digitize them. Better yet, make physical photocopies too. It’s better to have multiple copies than to lose or damage your documents and not have a backup. A bonus of making photocopies is that you can leave these with a trusted family member or friend when traveling so that you’re covered in case of an incident.
Now that you have the basics down, let’s get started! It may take a little creativity and perseverance but you will appreciate the effort for years to come. Attached is our recommended Vital Document ChickList to get you started, and remember this list is a guide; your household or business may have additional requirements.
Best wishes for a tidy paper trail and STAY ORGANIZED!
Contributed by S. Walter